
Exceptional antioxidant

Renowned for its high antioxidant power, surpassing even superfoods such as pomegranate and blueberry, our açaí is ready to become your health ally. With an ORAC value of 102,700 µmol TE/100g, açaí fights free radicals, helping to protect your cells from oxidative damage and strengthen your immune system. Discover how our açai can transform your well-being, inside and out.

I discover

Rich in fiber

As well as being delicious, acai is also an excellent source of dietary fibre. These fibers act as a natural appetite suppressant, helping you to feel fuller for longer, while facilitating good intestinal transit. By regularly incorporating açaí into your diet, you can better manage your snacking cravings while promoting harmonious digestion.

I discover

Rich in essential minerals

Rich in essential minerals such as manganese, calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, zinc and iron, açaí is an unrivalled source of vitality. Each serving gives you a real energy boost, stimulating your immune system and energizing your metabolism. Incorporate açaí into your sports routine today for optimum performance and rapid recovery.

I discover


Take care of your heart with acai, a natural solution for maintaining balanced cholesterol levels. Thanks to its high omega-6 and omega-9 content, acai can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels in your blood.

I discover

Healthy! But above all, DELIGHTFUL!

Fresh fruit is difficult to eat, as the stone represents over 90% of its composition. Thanks to a meticulous technique, the thin layer of flesh is extracted and frozen to preserve its exquisite flavor and precious properties.

Add this puree to your juices, yoghurts or compotes for a touch of indulgence and well-being.

But the real treat comes with AÇAI BOWLS! These trendy, gourmet bowls combine acai with a variety of fresh fruits, crunchy granola and other delicious toppings to create an unforgettable culinary experience.